
class braindecode.datasets.NMT(path=None, target_name='pathological', recording_ids=None, preload=False, n_jobs=1)[source]#

The NMT Scalp EEG Dataset.

An Open-Source Annotated Dataset of Healthy and Pathological EEG Recordings for Predictive Modeling.

This dataset contains 2,417 recordings from unique participants spanning almost 625 h.

Here, the dataset can be used for three tasks, brain-age, gender prediction, abnormality detection.

The dataset is described in [Khan2022].

Added in version 0.9.

  • path (str) – Parent directory of the dataset.

  • recording_ids (list(int) | int) – A (list of) int of recording id(s) to be read (order matters and will overwrite default chronological order, e.g. if recording_ids=[1,0], then the first recording returned by this class will be chronologically later than the second recording. Provide recording_ids in ascending order to preserve chronological order.).

  • target_name (str) – Can be “pathological”, “gender”, or “age”.

  • preload (bool) – If True, preload the data of the Raw objects.



Khan, H.A.,Ul Ain, R., Kamboh, A.M., Butt, H.T.,Shafait,S., Alamgir, W., Stricker, D. and Shafait, F., 2022. The NMT scalp EEG dataset: an open-source annotated dataset of healthy and pathological EEG recordings for predictive modeling. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15, p.755817.