Go to the end to download the full example code.
Searching the best data augmentation on BCIC IV 2a Dataset#
This tutorial shows how to search data augmentations using braindecode. Indeed, it is known that the best augmentation to use often dependent on the task or phenomenon studied. Here we follow the methodology proposed in [1] on the openly available BCI IV 2a Dataset.
Data augmentation and self-supervised learning approaches demand an intense comparison to find the best fit with the data. This view is demonstrated in [1] and shows the importance of selecting the right transformation and strength for different type of task considered. Here, we use the augmentation module present in braindecode in the context of trialwise decoding with the BCI IV 2a dataset.
# Authors: Bruno Aristimunha <>
# Cédric Rommel <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
Loading and preprocessing the dataset#
First, we load the data. In this tutorial, we use the functionality of braindecode to load BCI IV competition dataset 1. The dataset is available on the BNCI website. There is 9 subjects recorded with 22 electrodes while doing a motor imagery task, with 144 trials per class. We will load this dataset through the MOABB library.
from skorch.callbacks import LRScheduler
from braindecode import EEGClassifier
from braindecode.datasets import MOABBDataset
subject_id = 3
dataset = MOABBDataset(dataset_name="BNCI2014001", subject_ids=[subject_id])
BNCI2014001 has been renamed to BNCI2014_001. BNCI2014001 will be removed in version 1.1.
The dataset class name 'BNCI2014001' must be an abbreviation of its code 'BNCI2014-001'. See moabb.datasets.base.is_abbrev for more information.
We apply a bandpass filter, from 4 to 38 Hz to focus motor imagery-related brain activity
from braindecode.preprocessing import (
from numpy import multiply
low_cut_hz = 4.0 # low cut frequency for filtering
high_cut_hz = 38.0 # high cut frequency for filtering
# Parameters for exponential moving standardization
factor_new = 1e-3
init_block_size = 1000
# Factor to convert from V to uV
factor = 1e6
In time series targets setup, targets variables are stored in mne.Raw object as channels of type misc. Thus those channels have to be selected for further processing. However, many mne functions ignore misc channels and perform operations only on data channels (see
preprocessors = [
Preprocessor("pick_types", eeg=True, meg=False, stim=False), # Keep EEG sensors
Preprocessor(lambda data: multiply(data, factor)), # Convert from V to uV
Preprocessor("filter", l_freq=low_cut_hz, h_freq=high_cut_hz), # Bandpass filter
exponential_moving_standardize, # Exponential moving standardization
preprocess(dataset, preprocessors, n_jobs=-1)
/home/runner/work/braindecode/braindecode/braindecode/preprocessing/ UserWarning: Preprocessing choices with lambda functions cannot be saved.
warn("Preprocessing choices with lambda functions cannot be saved.")
<braindecode.datasets.moabb.MOABBDataset object at 0x7f63feae0920>
Extracting windows#
Now we cut out compute windows, the inputs for the deep networks during training. We use the braindecode function for this, provinding parameters to define how trials should be used.
from braindecode.preprocessing import create_windows_from_events
from skorch.helper import SliceDataset
from numpy import array
trial_start_offset_seconds = -0.5
# Extract sampling frequency, check that they are same in all datasets
sfreq = dataset.datasets[0]["sfreq"]
assert all([["sfreq"] == sfreq for ds in dataset.datasets])
# Calculate the trial start offset in samples.
trial_start_offset_samples = int(trial_start_offset_seconds * sfreq)
windows_dataset = create_windows_from_events(
Split dataset into train and valid#
Following the split defined in the BCI competition
Defining a list of transforms#
In this tutorial, we will use three categories of augmentations. This categorization has been proposed by [1] to explain and aggregate the several possibilities of augmentations in EEG, being them:
Frequency domain augmentations,
Time domain augmentations,
Spatial domain augmentations.
From this same paper, we selected the best augmentations in each type: FTSurrogate
, ChannelsDropout
, respectively.
For each augmentation, we adjustable two values from a range for one parameter inside the transformation.
It is important to remember that you can increase the range. For that, we need to define three lists of transformations and range for the parameter ∆φmax in FTSurrogate where ∆φmax ∈ [0, 2π); for ∆t in SmoothTimeMask is ∆t ∈ [0, 2]; For the method ChannelsDropout, we analyse the parameter p_drop ∈ [0, 1].
from numpy import linspace
from braindecode.augmentation import FTSurrogate, SmoothTimeMask, ChannelsDropout
seed = 20200220
transforms_freq = [
FTSurrogate(probability=0.5, phase_noise_magnitude=phase_freq, random_state=seed)
for phase_freq in linspace(0, 1, 2)
transforms_time = [
probability=0.5, mask_len_samples=int(sfreq * second), random_state=seed
for second in linspace(0.1, 2, 2)
transforms_spatial = [
ChannelsDropout(probability=0.5, p_drop=prob, random_state=seed)
for prob in linspace(0, 1, 2)
Training a model with data augmentation#
Now that we know how to instantiate three list of Transforms
, it is time to learn how
to use them to train a model and try to search the best for the dataset.
Let’s first create a model for search a parameter.
Create model#
The model to be trained is defined as usual.
import torch
from braindecode.util import set_random_seeds
from braindecode.models import ShallowFBCSPNet
cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() # check if GPU is available, if True chooses to use it
device = "cuda" if cuda else "cpu"
if cuda:
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
Set random seed to be able to roughly reproduce results
Note that with cudnn benchmark set to True, GPU indeterminism
may still make results substantially different between runs.
To obtain more consistent results at the cost of increased computation time,
you can set cudnn_benchmark=False
in set_random_seeds
or remove torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
seed = 20200220
set_random_seeds(seed=seed, cuda=cuda)
n_classes = 4
classes = list(range(n_classes))
# Extract number of chans and time steps from dataset
n_channels = train_set[0][0].shape[0]
n_times = train_set[0][0].shape[1]
model = ShallowFBCSPNet(
Create an EEGClassifier with the desired augmentation#
In order to train with data augmentation, a custom data loader can be
for the training. Multiple transforms can be passed to it and will be applied
sequentially to the batched data within the AugmentedDataLoader
from braindecode.augmentation import AugmentedDataLoader
# Send model to GPU
if cuda:
The model is now trained as in the trial-wise example. The
is used as the train iterator and the list of
transforms are passed as arguments.
lr = 0.0625 * 0.01
weight_decay = 0
batch_size = 64
n_epochs = 2
clf = EEGClassifier(
iterator_train=AugmentedDataLoader, # This tells EEGClassifier to use a custom DataLoader
iterator_train__transforms=[], # This sets is handled by GridSearchCV
train_split=None, # GridSearchCV will control the split and train/validation over the dataset
("lr_scheduler", LRScheduler("CosineAnnealingLR", T_max=n_epochs - 1)),
To use the skorch framework, it is necessary to transform the windows dataset using the module SliceData. Also, it is mandatory to eval the generator of the training.
train_X = SliceDataset(train_set, idx=0)
train_y = array(list(SliceDataset(train_set, idx=1)))
Given the trialwise approach, here we use the KFold approach and GridSearchCV.
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, GridSearchCV
cv = KFold(n_splits=2, shuffle=True, random_state=seed)
fit_params = {"epochs": n_epochs}
transforms = transforms_freq + transforms_time + transforms_spatial
param_grid = {
"iterator_train__transforms": transforms,
clf.verbose = 0
search = GridSearchCV(
), train_y, **fit_params)
Fitting 2 folds for each of 6 candidates, totalling 12 fits
Analysing the best fit#
Next, just perform an analysis of the best fit, and the parameters, remembering the order that was adjusted.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
search_results = pd.DataFrame(search.cv_results_)
best_run = search_results[search_results["rank_test_score"] == 1].squeeze()
best_aug = best_run["params"]
validation_score = np.around(best_run["mean_test_score"] * 100, 2).mean()
training_score = np.around(best_run["mean_train_score"] * 100, 2).mean()
report_message = (
"Best augmentation is saved in best_aug which gave a mean validation accuracy"
+ "of {}% (train accuracy of {}%).".format(validation_score, training_score)
eval_X = SliceDataset(eval_set, idx=0)
eval_y = SliceDataset(eval_set, idx=1)
score = search.score(eval_X, eval_y)
print(f"Eval accuracy is {score * 100:.2f}%.")
Best augmentation is saved in best_aug which gave a mean validation accuracyof 28.12% (train accuracy of 30.56%).
Eval accuracy is 29.51%.
Plot results#
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
color=["C0", "C0", "C1", "C1", "C2", "C2"],
ax.set_xlabel("Data augmentation strategy")
ax.set_ylim(0.2, 0.32)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 33.106 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 901 MB