
braindecode.augmentation.functional.gaussian_noise(X, y, std, random_state=None)[source]#

Randomly add white Gaussian noise to all channels.

Suggested e.g. in [1], [2] and [3]

  • X (torch.Tensor) – EEG input example or batch.

  • y (torch.Tensor) – EEG labels for the example or batch.

  • std (float) – Standard deviation to use for the additive noise.

  • random_state (int | numpy.random.Generator, optional) – Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None.


  • torch.Tensor – Transformed inputs.

  • torch.Tensor – Transformed labels.



Wang, F., Zhong, S. H., Peng, J., Jiang, J., & Liu, Y. (2018). Data augmentation for eeg-based emotion recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. In International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (pp. 82-93).


Cheng, J. Y., Goh, H., Dogrusoz, K., Tuzel, O., & Azemi, E. (2020). Subject-aware contrastive learning for biosignals. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04871.


Mohsenvand, M. N., Izadi, M. R., & Maes, P. (2020). Contrastive Representation Learning for Electroencephalogram Classification. In Machine Learning for Health (pp. 238-253). PMLR.