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Benchmarking eager and lazy loading¶
In this example, we compare the execution time and memory requirements of 1) eager loading, i.e., preloading the entire data into memory and 2) lazy loading, i.e., only loading examples from disk when they are required. We also include some other experiment parameters in the comparison for the sake of completeness (e.g., num_workers, cuda, batch_size, etc.).
While eager loading might be required for some preprocessing steps that require continuous data (e.g., temporal filtering, resampling), it also allows fast access to the data during training. However, this might come at the expense of large memory usage, and can ultimately become impossible if the dataset does not fit into memory (e.g., the TUH EEG dataset’s >1,5 TB of recordings will not fit in the memory of most machines).
Lazy loading avoids this potential memory issue by loading examples from disk when they are required. This means large datasets can be used for training, however this introduces some file-reading overhead every time an example must be extracted. Some preprocessing steps that require continuous data also have to be implemented differently to accomodate the nature of windowed data. Overall though, we can reduce the impact of lazy loading by using the num_workers parameter of pytorch’s Dataloader class, which dispatches the data loading to multiple processes.
To enable lazy loading in braindecode, data files must be saved in an MNE-compatible format (e.g., ‘fif’, ‘edf’, etc.), and the Dataset object must have been instantiated with parameter preload=False.
# Authors: Hubert Banville <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
from itertools import product
import time
import torch
from torch import nn, optim
from import DataLoader
import mne
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from braindecode.datasets import TUHAbnormal
from braindecode.preprocessing import create_fixed_length_windows
from braindecode.models import ShallowFBCSPNet, Deep4Net
mne.set_log_level('WARNING') # avoid messages everytime a window is extracted
We start by setting two pytorch internal parameters that can affect the comparison:
N_JOBS = 8
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Enables automatic algorithm optimizations
torch.set_num_threads(N_JOBS) # Sets the available number of threads
Next, we define a few functions to automate the benchmarking. For the purpose of this example, we load some recordings from the TUH Abnormal corpus, extract sliding windows, and bundle them in a braindecode Dataset. We then train a neural network for a few epochs.
Each one of these steps will be timed, so we can report the total time taken to prepare the data and train the model.
def load_example_data(preload, window_len_s, n_subjects=10):
"""Create windowed dataset from subjects of the TUH Abnormal dataset.
preload: bool
If True, use eager loading, otherwise use lazy loading.
n_subjects: int
Number of subjects to load.
windows_ds: BaseConcatDataset
Windowed data.
.. warning::
The recordings from the TUH Abnormal corpus do not all share the same
sampling rate. The following assumes that the files have already been
resampled to a common sampling rate.
subject_ids = list(range(n_subjects))
ds = TUHAbnormal(
TUH_PATH, subject_ids=subject_ids, target_name='pathological',
fs = ds.datasets[0]['sfreq']
window_len_samples = int(fs * window_len_s)
window_stride_samples = int(fs * 4)
# window_stride_samples = int(fs * window_len_s)
windows_ds = create_fixed_length_windows(
ds, start_offset_samples=0, stop_offset_samples=None,
window_stride_samples=window_stride_samples, drop_last_window=True,
preload=preload, drop_bad_windows=True)
# Drop bad epochs
# XXX: This could be parallelized.
# XXX: Also, this could be implemented in the Dataset object itself.
for ds in windows_ds.datasets:
assert == preload
return windows_ds
def create_example_model(n_channels, n_classes, window_len_samples,
kind='shallow', cuda=False):
"""Create model, loss and optimizer.
n_channels : int
Number of channels in the input
n_times : int
Window length in the input
n_classes : int
Number of classes in the output
kind : str
'shallow' or 'deep'
cuda : bool
If True, move the model to a CUDA device.
model : torch.nn.Module
Model to train.
loss :
Loss function
optimizer :
if kind == 'shallow':
model = ShallowFBCSPNet(
n_channels, n_classes, input_window_samples=window_len_samples,
n_filters_time=40, filter_time_length=25, n_filters_spat=40,
pool_time_length=75, pool_time_stride=15, final_conv_length='auto',
split_first_layer=True, batch_norm=True, batch_norm_alpha=0.1,
elif kind == 'deep':
model = Deep4Net(
n_channels, n_classes, input_window_samples=window_len_samples,
final_conv_length='auto', n_filters_time=25, n_filters_spat=25,
filter_time_length=10, pool_time_length=3, pool_time_stride=3,
n_filters_2=50, filter_length_2=10, n_filters_3=100,
filter_length_3=10, n_filters_4=200, filter_length_4=10,
first_pool_mode="max", later_pool_mode="max", drop_prob=0.5,
double_time_convs=False, split_first_layer=True, batch_norm=True,
batch_norm_alpha=0.1, stride_before_pool=False)
raise ValueError
if cuda:
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters())
loss = nn.NLLLoss()
return model, loss, optimizer
def run_training(model, dataloader, loss, optimizer, n_epochs=1, cuda=False):
"""Run training loop.
model : torch.nn.Module
Model to train.
dataloader :
Data loader which will serve examples to the model during training.
loss :
Loss function.
optimizer :
n_epochs : int
Number of epochs to train the model for.
cuda : bool
If True, move X and y to CUDA device.
model : torch.nn.Module
Trained model.
for i in range(n_epochs):
loss_vals = list()
for X, y, _ in dataloader:
y = y.long()
if cuda:
X, y = X.cuda(), y.cuda()
loss_val = loss(model(X), y)
print(f'Epoch {i + 1} - mean training loss: {np.mean(loss_vals)}')
return model
Next, we define the different hyperparameters that we want to compare:
PRELOAD = [True, False] # True -> eager loading; False -> lazy loading
N_SUBJECTS = [10] # Number of recordings to load from the TUH Abnormal corpus
WINDOW_LEN_S = [2, 4, 15] # Window length, in seconds
N_EPOCHS = [2] # Number of epochs to train the model for
BATCH_SIZE = [64, 256] # Training minibatch size
MODEL = ['shallow', 'deep']
NUM_WORKERS = [8, 0] # number of processes used by pytorch's Dataloader
PIN_MEMORY = [False] # whether to use pinned memory
CUDA = [True, False] if torch.cuda.is_available() else [False] # whether to use a CUDA device
N_REPETITIONS = 3 # Number of times to repeat the experiment (to get better time estimates)
The following path needs to be changed to your local folder containing the TUH Abnormal corpus:
TUH_PATH = ('/storage/store/data/tuh_eeg/'
We can finally cycle through all the different combinations of the parameters we set above to evaluate their execution time:
all_results = list()
for (i, preload, n_subjects, win_len_s, n_epochs, batch_size, model_kind,
num_workers, pin_memory, cuda) in product(
results = {
'repetition': i,
'preload': preload,
'n_subjects': n_subjects,
'win_len_s': win_len_s,
'n_epochs': n_epochs,
'batch_size': batch_size,
'model_kind': model_kind,
'num_workers': num_workers,
'pin_memory': pin_memory,
'cuda': cuda
print(f'\nRepetition {i + 1}/{N_REPETITIONS}:\n{results}')
# Load the dataset
data_loading_start = time.time()
dataset = load_example_data(preload, win_len_s, n_subjects=n_subjects)
data_loading_end = time.time()
# Create the data loader
training_setup_start = time.time()
dataloader = DataLoader(
dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=pin_memory,
num_workers=num_workers, worker_init_fn=None)
# Instantiate model and optimizer
n_channels = len(dataset.datasets[0].windows.ch_names)
n_times = len(dataset.datasets[0].windows.times)
n_classes = 2
model, loss, optimizer = create_example_model(
n_channels, n_classes, n_times, kind=model_kind, cuda=cuda)
training_setup_end = time.time()
# Start training loop
model_training_start = time.time()
trained_model = run_training(
model, dataloader, loss, optimizer, n_epochs=n_epochs, cuda=cuda)
model_training_end = time.time()
del dataset, model, loss, optimizer, trained_model
# Record timing results
results['data_preparation'] = data_loading_end - data_loading_start
results['training_setup'] = training_setup_end - training_setup_start
results['model_training'] = model_training_end - model_training_start
The results are formatted into a pandas DataFrame and saved locally as a CSV file.
results_df = pd.DataFrame(all_results)
fname = 'lazy_vs_eager_loading_results.csv'
print(f'Results saved under {fname}.')
We can finally summarize this information into the following plot:
data=results_df, row='cuda', x='model_kind', y='model_training',
hue='num_workers', col='preload', kind='strip')
The results of this comparison will change depending on the hyperparameters that were set above, and on the actual hardware that is being used.
Generally speaking, we expect lazy loading to be slower than eager loading during model training, but to potentially be pretty competitive if multiple workers were enabled (i.e.., num_workers > 0). Training on a CUDA device should also yield substantial speedups.
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 0 MB