API Reference

This is the reference for classes (CamelCase names) and functions (underscore_case names) of Braindecode.




EEGClassifier(*args[, cropped, callbacks, ...])

Classifier that does not assume softmax activation.



EEGRegressor(*args[, cropped, callbacks, ...])

Regressor that calls loss function directly.



ShallowFBCSPNet(in_chans, n_classes[, ...])

Shallow ConvNet model from Schirrmeister et al 2017.

Deep4Net(in_chans, n_classes, ...[, ...])

Deep ConvNet model from Schirrmeister et al 2017.

EEGNetv1(in_chans, n_classes[, ...])

EEGNet model from Lawhern et al. 2016.

EEGNetv4(in_chans, n_classes[, ...])

EEGNet v4 model from Lawhern et al 2018.

HybridNet(in_chans, n_classes, ...)

Hybrid ConvNet model from Schirrmeister et al 2017.

EEGResNet(in_chans, n_classes, ...[, ...])

Residual Network for EEG.

TCN(n_in_chans, n_outputs, n_blocks, ...)

Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) from Bai et al 2018.

SleepStagerChambon2018(n_channels, sfreq[, ...])

Sleep staging architecture from Chambon et al 2018.

SleepStagerBlanco2020(n_channels, sfreq[, ...])

Sleep staging architecture from Blanco et al 2020.

SleepStagerEldele2021(sfreq[, n_tce, ...])

Sleep Staging Architecture from Eldele et al 2021.

USleep([in_chans, sfreq, depth, ...])

Sleep staging architecture from Perslev et al 2021.

TIDNet(in_chans, n_classes, input_window_samples)

Thinker Invariance DenseNet model from Kostas et al 2020.

get_output_shape(model, in_chans, ...)

Returns shape of neural network output for batch size equal 1.


Apply module on multiple windows.




Compute Loss after averaging predictions across time.


Compute Loss between timeseries targets and predictions.

CroppedTrialEpochScoring(scoring[, ...])

Class to compute scores for trials from a model that predicts (super)crops.

CroppedTimeSeriesEpochScoring(scoring[, ...])

Class to compute scores for trials from a model that predicts (super)crops with time series target.

PostEpochTrainScoring(scoring[, ...])

Epoch Scoring class that recomputes predictions after the epoch on the training in validation mode.

mixup_criterion(preds, target)

Implements loss for Mixup for EEG data.

trial_preds_from_window_preds(preds, ...)

Assigning window predictions to trials while removing duplicate predictions.

predict_trials(module, dataset[, return_targets])

Create trialwise predictions and optionally also return trialwise labels from cropped dataset given module.



BaseDataset(raw[, description, target_name, ...])

Returns samples from an mne.io.Raw object along with a target.

BaseConcatDataset(list_of_ds[, target_transform])

A base class for concatenated datasets.

WindowsDataset(windows[, description, ...])

Returns windows from an mne.Epochs object along with a target.

MOABBDataset(dataset_name, subject_ids[, ...])

A class for moabb datasets.


High-gamma dataset discribed in Schirrmeister et al. 2017.


BNCI 2014-001 Motor Imagery dataset.

TUH(path[, recording_ids, target_name, ...])

Temple University Hospital (TUH) EEG Corpus (www.isip.piconepress.com/projects/tuh_eeg/html/downloads.shtml#c_tueg).

TUHAbnormal(path[, recording_ids, ...])

Temple University Hospital (TUH) Abnormal EEG Corpus.

SleepPhysionet([subject_ids, recording_ids, ...])

Sleep Physionet dataset.


BCI competition IV dataset 4.

create_from_X_y(X, y, drop_last_window, sfreq)

Create a BaseConcatDataset of WindowsDatasets from X and y to be used for decoding with skorch and braindecode, where X is a list of pre-cut trials and y are corresponding targets.

create_from_mne_raw(raws, ...[, ...])

Create WindowsDatasets from mne.RawArrays

create_from_mne_epochs(list_of_epochs, ...)

Create WindowsDatasets from mne.Epochs



create_windows_from_events(concat_ds[, ...])

Create windows based on events in mne.Raw.

create_fixed_length_windows(concat_ds[, ...])

Windower that creates sliding windows.


exponential_moving_demean(data[, ...])

Perform exponential moving demeanining.

exponential_moving_standardize(data[, ...])

Perform exponential moving standardization.


DEPRECATED: will be removed in 0.7.0.

scale(data, factor)

DEPRECATED: will be removed in 0.7.0.

filterbank(raw, frequency_bands[, ...])

Applies multiple bandpass filters to the signals in raw.

preprocess(concat_ds, preprocessors[, ...])

Apply preprocessors to a concat dataset.

Preprocessor(fn, *[, apply_on_array])

Preprocessor for an MNE Raw or Epochs object.

Data Utils


save_concat_dataset(path, concat_dataset[, ...])

load_concat_dataset(path, preload[, ...])

Load a stored BaseConcatDataset of BaseDatasets or WindowsDatasets from files.



RecordingSampler(metadata[, random_state])

Base sampler simplifying sampling from recordings.

SequenceSampler(metadata, n_windows, ...[, ...])

Sample sequences of consecutive windows.

RelativePositioningSampler(metadata, ...[, ...])

Sample examples for the relative positioning task from [R0467437a2408-Banville2020].

BalancedSequenceSampler(metadata, n_windows)

Balanced sampling of sequences of consecutive windows with categorical targets.



Transform([probability, random_state])

Basic transform class used for implementing data augmentation operations.

IdentityTransform([probability, random_state])

Identity transform.


Transform composition.

AugmentedDataLoader(dataset[, transforms])

A base dataloader class customized to applying augmentation Transforms.

TimeReverse(probability[, random_state])

Flip the time axis of each input with a given probability.

SignFlip(probability[, random_state])

Flip the sign axis of each input with a given probability.

FTSurrogate(probability[, ...])

FT surrogate augmentation of a single EEG channel, as proposed in [Ra7c6c14d9bd9-1].

ChannelsShuffle(probability[, p_shuffle, ...])

Randomly shuffle channels in EEG data matrix.

ChannelsDropout(probability[, p_drop, ...])

Randomly set channels to flat signal.

GaussianNoise(probability[, std, random_state])

Randomly add white noise to all channels.

ChannelsSymmetry(probability, ordered_ch_names)

Permute EEG channels inverting left and right-side sensors.

SmoothTimeMask(probability[, ...])

Smoothly replace a randomly chosen contiguous part of all channels by zeros.

BandstopFilter(probability, sfreq[, ...])

Apply a band-stop filter with desired bandwidth at a randomly selected frequency position between 0 and max_freq.

FrequencyShift(probability, sfreq[, ...])

Add a random shift in the frequency domain to all channels.

SensorsRotation(probability, ...[, axis, ...])

Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the desired axis with an angle sampled uniformly between -max_degree and max_degree.

SensorsZRotation(probability, ordered_ch_names)

Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the Z axis with an angle sampled uniformly between -max_degree and max_degree.

SensorsYRotation(probability, ordered_ch_names)

Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the Y axis with an angle sampled uniformly between -max_degree and max_degree.

SensorsXRotation(probability, ordered_ch_names)

Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the X axis with an angle sampled uniformly between -max_degree and max_degree.

Mixup(alpha[, beta_per_sample, random_state])

Implements Iterator for Mixup for EEG data.

functional.identity(X, y)

Identity operation.

functional.time_reverse(X, y)

Flip the time axis of each input.

functional.sign_flip(X, y)

Flip the sign axis of each input.

functional.ft_surrogate(X, y, ...[, ...])

FT surrogate augmentation of a single EEG channel, as proposed in [R52a4658fffa7-1].

functional.channels_dropout(X, y, p_drop[, ...])

Randomly set channels to flat signal.

functional.channels_shuffle(X, y, p_shuffle)

Randomly shuffle channels in EEG data matrix.

functional.channels_permute(X, y, permutation)

Permute EEG channels according to fixed permutation matrix.

functional.gaussian_noise(X, y, std[, ...])

Randomly add white Gaussian noise to all channels.

functional.smooth_time_mask(X, y, ...)

Smoothly replace a contiguous part of all channels by zeros.

functional.bandstop_filter(X, y, sfreq, ...)

Apply a band-stop filter with desired bandwidth at the desired frequency position.

functional.frequency_shift(X, y, delta_freq, ...)

Adds a shift in the frequency domain to all channels.

functional.sensors_rotation(X, y, ...)

Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the desired axis with the desired angle.

functional.mixup(X, y, lam, idx_perm)

Mixes two channels of EEG data.



set_random_seeds(seed, cuda[, cudnn_benchmark])

Set seeds for python random module numpy.random and torch.



compute_amplitude_gradients(model, dataset, ...)

plot_confusion_matrix(confusion_mat[, ...])

Generates a confusion matrix with additional precision and sensitivity metrics as in [R8046536b33dd-1].