Source code for braindecode.models.eegnet

# Authors: Robin Schirrmeister <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn.functional import elu

from .modules import Expression, Ensure4d
from .functions import squeeze_final_output

class Conv2dWithConstraint(nn.Conv2d):
    def __init__(self, *args, max_norm=1, **kwargs):
        self.max_norm = max_norm
        super(Conv2dWithConstraint, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, x): = torch.renorm(
  , p=2, dim=0, maxnorm=self.max_norm
        return super(Conv2dWithConstraint, self).forward(x)

[docs]class EEGNetv4(nn.Sequential): """EEGNet v4 model from Lawhern et al 2018. See details in [EEGNet4]_. Parameters ---------- in_chans : int XXX Notes ----- This implementation is not guaranteed to be correct, has not been checked by original authors, only reimplemented from the paper description. References ---------- .. [EEGNet4] Lawhern, V. J., Solon, A. J., Waytowich, N. R., Gordon, S. M., Hung, C. P., & Lance, B. J. (2018). EEGNet: A Compact Convolutional Network for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08024. """ def __init__( self, in_chans, n_classes, input_window_samples=None, final_conv_length="auto", pool_mode="mean", F1=8, D=2, F2=16, # usually set to F1*D (?) kernel_length=64, third_kernel_size=(8, 4), drop_prob=0.25, ): super().__init__() if final_conv_length == "auto": assert input_window_samples is not None self.in_chans = in_chans self.n_classes = n_classes self.input_window_samples = input_window_samples self.final_conv_length = final_conv_length self.pool_mode = pool_mode self.F1 = F1 self.D = D self.F2 = F2 self.kernel_length = kernel_length self.third_kernel_size = third_kernel_size self.drop_prob = drop_prob pool_class = dict(max=nn.MaxPool2d, mean=nn.AvgPool2d)[self.pool_mode] self.add_module("ensuredims", Ensure4d()) # b c 0 1 # now to b 1 0 c self.add_module("dimshuffle", Expression(_transpose_to_b_1_c_0)) self.add_module( "conv_temporal", nn.Conv2d( 1, self.F1, (1, self.kernel_length), stride=1, bias=False, padding=(0, self.kernel_length // 2), ), ) self.add_module( "bnorm_temporal", nn.BatchNorm2d(self.F1, momentum=0.01, affine=True, eps=1e-3), ) self.add_module( "conv_spatial", Conv2dWithConstraint( self.F1, self.F1 * self.D, (self.in_chans, 1), max_norm=1, stride=1, bias=False, groups=self.F1, padding=(0, 0), ), ) self.add_module( "bnorm_1", nn.BatchNorm2d( self.F1 * self.D, momentum=0.01, affine=True, eps=1e-3 ), ) self.add_module("elu_1", Expression(elu)) self.add_module("pool_1", pool_class(kernel_size=(1, 4), stride=(1, 4))) self.add_module("drop_1", nn.Dropout(p=self.drop_prob)) # self.add_module( "conv_separable_depth", nn.Conv2d( self.F1 * self.D, self.F1 * self.D, (1, 16), stride=1, bias=False, groups=self.F1 * self.D, padding=(0, 16 // 2), ), ) self.add_module( "conv_separable_point", nn.Conv2d( self.F1 * self.D, self.F2, (1, 1), stride=1, bias=False, padding=(0, 0), ), ) self.add_module( "bnorm_2", nn.BatchNorm2d(self.F2, momentum=0.01, affine=True, eps=1e-3), ) self.add_module("elu_2", Expression(elu)) self.add_module("pool_2", pool_class(kernel_size=(1, 8), stride=(1, 8))) self.add_module("drop_2", nn.Dropout(p=self.drop_prob)) out = self( torch.ones( (1, self.in_chans, self.input_window_samples, 1), dtype=torch.float32 ) ) n_out_virtual_chans = out.cpu().data.numpy().shape[2] if self.final_conv_length == "auto": n_out_time = out.cpu().data.numpy().shape[3] self.final_conv_length = n_out_time self.add_module( "conv_classifier", nn.Conv2d( self.F2, self.n_classes, (n_out_virtual_chans, self.final_conv_length), bias=True, ), ) self.add_module("softmax", nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)) # Transpose back to the the logic of braindecode, # so time in third dimension (axis=2) self.add_module("permute_back", Expression(_transpose_1_0)) self.add_module("squeeze", Expression(squeeze_final_output)) _glorot_weight_zero_bias(self)
def _transpose_to_b_1_c_0(x): return x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) def _transpose_1_0(x): return x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)
[docs]class EEGNetv1(nn.Sequential): """EEGNet model from Lawhern et al. 2016. See details in [EEGNet]_. Parameters ---------- in_chans : int XXX Notes ----- This implementation is not guaranteed to be correct, has not been checked by original authors, only reimplemented from the paper description. References ---------- .. [EEGNet] Lawhern, V. J., Solon, A. J., Waytowich, N. R., Gordon, S. M., Hung, C. P., & Lance, B. J. (2016). EEGNet: A Compact Convolutional Network for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08024. """ def __init__( self, in_chans, n_classes, input_window_samples=None, final_conv_length="auto", pool_mode="max", second_kernel_size=(2, 32), third_kernel_size=(8, 4), drop_prob=0.25, ): super().__init__() if final_conv_length == "auto": assert input_window_samples is not None self.in_chans = in_chans self.n_classes = n_classes self.input_window_samples = input_window_samples self.final_conv_length = final_conv_length self.pool_mode = pool_mode self.second_kernel_size = second_kernel_size self.third_kernel_size = third_kernel_size self.drop_prob = drop_prob pool_class = dict(max=nn.MaxPool2d, mean=nn.AvgPool2d)[self.pool_mode] self.add_module("ensuredims", Ensure4d()) n_filters_1 = 16 self.add_module( "conv_1", nn.Conv2d(self.in_chans, n_filters_1, (1, 1), stride=1, bias=True), ) self.add_module( "bnorm_1", nn.BatchNorm2d(n_filters_1, momentum=0.01, affine=True, eps=1e-3), ) self.add_module("elu_1", Expression(elu)) # transpose to examples x 1 x (virtual, not EEG) channels x time self.add_module( "permute_1", Expression(lambda x: x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)) ) self.add_module("drop_1", nn.Dropout(p=self.drop_prob)) n_filters_2 = 4 # keras padds unequal padding more in front, so padding # too large should be ok. # Not padding in time so that cropped training makes sense # self.add_module( "conv_2", nn.Conv2d( 1, n_filters_2, self.second_kernel_size, stride=1, padding=(self.second_kernel_size[0] // 2, 0), bias=True, ), ) self.add_module( "bnorm_2", nn.BatchNorm2d(n_filters_2, momentum=0.01, affine=True, eps=1e-3), ) self.add_module("elu_2", Expression(elu)) self.add_module("pool_2", pool_class(kernel_size=(2, 4), stride=(2, 4))) self.add_module("drop_2", nn.Dropout(p=self.drop_prob)) n_filters_3 = 4 self.add_module( "conv_3", nn.Conv2d( n_filters_2, n_filters_3, self.third_kernel_size, stride=1, padding=(self.third_kernel_size[0] // 2, 0), bias=True, ), ) self.add_module( "bnorm_3", nn.BatchNorm2d(n_filters_3, momentum=0.01, affine=True, eps=1e-3), ) self.add_module("elu_3", Expression(elu)) self.add_module("pool_3", pool_class(kernel_size=(2, 4), stride=(2, 4))) self.add_module("drop_3", nn.Dropout(p=self.drop_prob)) out = self( torch.ones( (1, self.in_chans, self.input_window_samples, 1), dtype=torch.float32, ) ) n_out_virtual_chans = out.cpu().data.numpy().shape[2] if self.final_conv_length == "auto": n_out_time = out.cpu().data.numpy().shape[3] self.final_conv_length = n_out_time self.add_module( "conv_classifier", nn.Conv2d( n_filters_3, self.n_classes, (n_out_virtual_chans, self.final_conv_length), bias=True, ), ) self.add_module("softmax", nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)) # Transpose back to the the logic of braindecode, # so time in third dimension (axis=2) self.add_module( "permute_2", Expression(lambda x: x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)) ) self.add_module("squeeze", Expression(squeeze_final_output)) _glorot_weight_zero_bias(self)
def _glorot_weight_zero_bias(model): """Initalize parameters of all modules by initializing weights with glorot uniform/xavier initialization, and setting biases to zero. Weights from batch norm layers are set to 1. Parameters ---------- model: Module """ for module in model.modules(): if hasattr(module, "weight"): if not ("BatchNorm" in module.__class__.__name__): nn.init.xavier_uniform_(module.weight, gain=1) else: nn.init.constant_(module.weight, 1) if hasattr(module, "bias"): if module.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(module.bias, 0)