Dataset classes.
# Authors: Hubert Banville <hubert.jbanville@gmail.com>
# Lukas Gemein <l.gemein@gmail.com>
# Simon Brandt <simonbrandt@protonmail.com>
# David Sabbagh <dav.sabbagh@gmail.com>
# Robin Schirrmeister <robintibor@gmail.com>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import os
import json
import shutil
from typing import Iterable
import warnings
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, ConcatDataset
def _create_description(description):
if description is not None:
if (not isinstance(description, pd.Series) and
not isinstance(description, dict)):
raise ValueError(f"'{description}' has to be either a "
f"pandas.Series or a dict.")
if isinstance(description, dict):
description = pd.Series(description)
return description
[docs]class BaseDataset(Dataset):
"""Returns samples from an mne.io.Raw object along with a target.
Dataset which serves samples from an mne.io.Raw object along with a target.
The target is unique for the dataset, and is obtained through the
`description` attribute.
raw : mne.io.Raw
Continuous data.
description : dict | pandas.Series | None
Holds additional description about the continuous signal / subject.
target_name : str | tuple | None
Name(s) of the index in `description` that should be used to provide the
target (e.g., to be used in a prediction task later on).
transform : callable | None
On-the-fly transform applied to the example before it is returned.
def __init__(self, raw, description=None, target_name=None,
self.raw = raw
self._description = _create_description(description)
self.transform = transform
# save target name for load/save later
self.target_name = self._target_name(target_name)
def __getitem__(self, index):
X = self.raw[:, index][0]
y = None
if self.target_name is not None:
y = self.description[self.target_name]
if isinstance(y, pd.Series):
y = y.to_list()
if self.transform is not None:
X = self.transform(X)
return X, y
def __len__(self):
return len(self.raw)
def transform(self):
return self._transform
def transform(self, value):
if value is not None and not callable(value):
raise ValueError('Transform needs to be a callable.')
self._transform = value
def description(self):
return self._description
[docs] def set_description(self, description, overwrite=False):
"""Update (add or overwrite) the dataset description.
description: dict | pd.Series
Description in the form key: value.
overwrite: bool
Has to be True if a key in description already exists in the
dataset description.
description = _create_description(description)
for key, value in description.items():
# if the key is already in the existing description, drop it
if self._description is not None and key in self._description:
assert overwrite, (f"'{key}' already in description. Please "
f"rename or set overwrite to True.")
if self._description is None:
self._description = description
self._description = pd.concat([self.description, description])
def _target_name(self, target_name):
if target_name is not None and not isinstance(target_name, (str, tuple, list)):
raise ValueError('target_name has to be None, str, tuple or list')
if target_name is None:
return target_name
# convert tuple of names or single name to list
if isinstance(target_name, tuple):
target_name = [name for name in target_name]
elif not isinstance(target_name, list):
assert isinstance(target_name, str)
target_name = [target_name]
assert isinstance(target_name, list)
# check if target name(s) can be read from description
for name in target_name:
if self.description is None or name not in self.description:
warnings.warn(f"'{name}' not in description. '__getitem__'"
f"will fail unless an appropriate target is"
f" added to description.", UserWarning)
# return a list of str if there are multiple targets and a str otherwise
return target_name if len(target_name) > 1 else target_name[0]
[docs]class WindowsDataset(BaseDataset):
"""Returns windows from an mne.Epochs object along with a target.
Dataset which serves windows from an mne.Epochs object along with their
target and additional information. The `metadata` attribute of the Epochs
object must contain a column called `target`, which will be used to return
the target that corresponds to a window. Additional columns
`i_window_in_trial`, `i_start_in_trial`, `i_stop_in_trial` are also
required to serve information about the windowing (e.g., useful for cropped
See `braindecode.datautil.windowers` to directly create a `WindowsDataset`
from a `BaseDataset` object.
windows : mne.Epochs
Windows obtained through the application of a windower to a BaseDataset
(see `braindecode.datautil.windowers`).
description : dict | pandas.Series | None
Holds additional info about the windows.
transform : callable | None
On-the-fly transform applied to a window before it is returned.
targets_from : str
Defines whether targets will be extracted from mne.Epochs metadata or mne.Epochs `misc`
channels (time series targets). It can be `metadata` (default) or `channels`.
def __init__(self, windows, description=None, transform=None, targets_from='metadata',
self.windows = windows
self._description = _create_description(description)
self.transform = transform
self.last_target_only = last_target_only
if targets_from not in ('metadata', 'channels'):
raise ValueError('Wrong value for parameter `targets_from`.')
self.targets_from = targets_from
self.crop_inds = self.windows.metadata.loc[
:, ['i_window_in_trial', 'i_start_in_trial',
if self.targets_from == 'metadata':
self.y = self.windows.metadata.loc[:, 'target'].to_list()
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Get a window and its target.
index : int
Index to the window (and target) to return.
Window of shape (n_channels, n_times).
Target for the windows.
Crop indices.
X = self.windows.get_data(item=index)[0].astype('float32')
if self.transform is not None:
X = self.transform(X)
if self.targets_from == 'metadata':
y = self.y[index]
misc_mask = np.array(self.windows.get_channel_types()) == 'misc'
if self.last_target_only:
y = X[misc_mask, -1]
y = X[misc_mask, :]
# remove the target channels from raw
X = X[~misc_mask, :]
# necessary to cast as list to get list of three tensors from batch,
# otherwise get single 2d-tensor...
crop_inds = self.crop_inds[index].tolist()
return X, y, crop_inds
def __len__(self):
return len(self.windows.events)
def transform(self):
return self._transform
def transform(self, value):
if value is not None and not callable(value):
raise ValueError('Transform needs to be a callable.')
self._transform = value
def description(self):
return self._description
[docs] def set_description(self, description, overwrite=False):
"""Update (add or overwrite) the dataset description.
description: dict | pd.Series
Description in the form key: value.
overwrite: bool
Has to be True if a key in description already exists in the
dataset description.
description = _create_description(description)
for key, value in description.items():
# if they key is already in the existing description, drop it
if key in self._description:
assert overwrite, (f"'{key}' already in description. Please "
f"rename or set overwrite to True.")
self._description = pd.concat([self.description, description])
[docs]class BaseConcatDataset(ConcatDataset):
"""A base class for concatenated datasets. Holds either mne.Raw or
mne.Epoch in self.datasets and has a pandas DataFrame with additional
list_of_ds : list
list of BaseDataset, BaseConcatDataset or WindowsDataset
target_transform : callable | None
Optional function to call on targets before returning them.
def __init__(self, list_of_ds, target_transform=None):
# if we get a list of BaseConcatDataset, get all the individual datasets
if list_of_ds and isinstance(list_of_ds[0], BaseConcatDataset):
list_of_ds = [d for ds in list_of_ds for d in ds.datasets]
self.target_transform = target_transform
def _get_sequence(self, indices):
X, y = list(), list()
for ind in indices:
out_i = super().__getitem__(ind)
X = np.stack(X, axis=0)
y = np.array(y)
return X, y
def __getitem__(self, idx):
idx : int | list
Index of window and target to return. If provided as a list of
ints, multiple windows and targets will be extracted and
concatenated. The target output can be modified on the
fly by the ``traget_transform`` parameter.
if isinstance(idx, Iterable): # Sample multiple windows
item = self._get_sequence(idx)
item = super().__getitem__(idx)
if self.target_transform is not None:
item = item[:1] + (self.target_transform(item[1]),) + item[2:]
return item
[docs] def split(self, by=None, property=None, split_ids=None):
"""Split the dataset based on information listed in its description
DataFrame or based on indices.
by : str | list | dict
If ``by`` is a string, splitting is performed based on the
description DataFrame column with this name.
If ``by`` is a (list of) list of integers, the position in the first
list corresponds to the split id and the integers to the
datapoints of that split.
If a dict then each key will be used in the returned
splits dict and each value should be a list of int.
property : str
Some property which is listed in info DataFrame.
split_ids : list | dict
List of indices to be combined in a subset.
It can be a list of int or a list of list of int.
splits : dict
A dictionary with the name of the split (a string) as key and the
dataset as value.
args_not_none = [
by is not None, property is not None, split_ids is not None]
if sum(args_not_none) != 1:
raise ValueError("Splitting requires exactly one argument.")
if property is not None or split_ids is not None:
warnings.warn("Keyword arguments `property` and `split_ids` "
"are deprecated and will be removed in the future. "
"Use `by` instead.", DeprecationWarning)
by = property if property is not None else split_ids
if isinstance(by, str):
split_ids = {
k: list(v)
for k, v in self.description.groupby(by).groups.items()
elif isinstance(by, dict):
split_ids = by
# assume list(int)
if not isinstance(by[0], list):
by = [by]
# assume list(list(int))
split_ids = {split_i: split for split_i, split in enumerate(by)}
return {str(split_name): BaseConcatDataset(
[self.datasets[ds_ind] for ds_ind in ds_inds], target_transform=self.target_transform)
for split_name, ds_inds in split_ids.items()}
def transform(self):
return [ds.transform for ds in self.datasets]
def transform(self, fn):
for i in range(len(self.datasets)):
self.datasets[i].transform = fn
def target_transform(self):
return self._target_transform
def target_transform(self, fn):
if not (callable(fn) or fn is None):
raise TypeError('target_transform must be a callable.')
self._target_transform = fn
def _outdated_save(self, path, overwrite=False):
"""This is a copy of the old saving function, that had inconsistent
functionality for BaseDataset and WindowsDataset. It only exists to
assure backwards compatibility by still being able to run the old tests.
Save dataset to files.
path : str
Directory to which .fif / -epo.fif and .json files are stored.
overwrite : bool
Whether to delete old files (.json, .fif, -epo.fif) in specified
directory prior to saving.
warnings.warn('This function only exists for backwards compatibility '
'purposes. DO NOT USE!', UserWarning)
if len(self.datasets) == 0:
raise ValueError("Expect at least one dataset")
if not (hasattr(self.datasets[0], 'raw') or hasattr(
self.datasets[0], 'windows')):
raise ValueError("dataset should have either raw or windows "
file_name_templates = ["{}-raw.fif", "{}-epo.fif"]
description_file_name = os.path.join(path, 'description.json')
target_file_name = os.path.join(path, 'target_name.json')
if not overwrite:
from braindecode.datautil.serialization import \
_check_save_dir_empty # Import here to avoid circular import
for file_name_template in file_name_templates:
file_names = glob(os.path.join(
path, f"*{file_name_template.lstrip('{}')}"))
_ = [os.remove(f) for f in file_names]
if os.path.isfile(target_file_name):
if os.path.isfile(description_file_name):
for kwarg_name in ['raw_preproc_kwargs', 'window_kwargs',
kwarg_path = os.path.join(path, '.'.join([kwarg_name, 'json']))
if os.path.exists(kwarg_path):
is_raw = hasattr(self.datasets[0], 'raw')
if is_raw:
file_name_template = file_name_templates[0]
# for checks that all have same target name and for
# saving later
target_name = self.datasets[0].target_name
file_name_template = file_name_templates[1]
for i_ds, ds in enumerate(self.datasets):
full_file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name_template.format(i_ds))
if is_raw:
ds.raw.save(full_file_path, overwrite=overwrite)
assert ds.target_name == target_name, (
"All datasets should have same target name")
ds.windows.save(full_file_path, overwrite=overwrite)
if is_raw:
json.dump({'target_name': target_name}, open(target_file_name, 'w'))
for kwarg_name in ['raw_preproc_kwargs', 'window_kwargs',
if hasattr(self, kwarg_name):
kwargs_path = os.path.join(path, '.'.join([kwarg_name, 'json']))
kwargs = getattr(self, kwarg_name)
if kwargs is not None:
json.dump(kwargs, open(kwargs_path, 'w'))
def description(self):
df = pd.DataFrame([ds.description for ds in self.datasets])
df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
return df
[docs] def set_description(self, description, overwrite=False):
"""Update (add or overwrite) the dataset description.
description: dict | pd.DataFrame
Description in the form key: value where the length of the value
has to match the number of datasets.
overwrite: bool
Has to be True if a key in description already exists in the
dataset description.
description = pd.DataFrame(description)
for key, value in description.items():
for ds, value_ in zip(self.datasets, value):
ds.set_description({key: value_}, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def save(self, path, overwrite=False, offset=0):
"""Save datasets to files by creating one subdirectory for each dataset:
0-raw.fif | 0-epo.fif
raw_preproc_kwargs.json (if raws were preprocessed)
window_kwargs.json (if this is a windowed dataset)
window_preproc_kwargs.json (if windows were preprocessed)
target_name.json (if target_name is not None and dataset is raw)
1-raw.fif | 1-epo.fif
raw_preproc_kwargs.json (if raws were preprocessed)
window_kwargs.json (if this is a windowed dataset)
window_preproc_kwargs.json (if windows were preprocessed)
target_name.json (if target_name is not None and dataset is raw)
path : str
Directory in which subdirectories are created to store
-raw.fif | -epo.fif and .json files to.
overwrite : bool
Whether to delete old subdirectories that will be saved to in this
offset : int
If provided, the integer is added to the id of the dataset in the
concat. This is useful in the setting of very large datasets, where
one dataset has to be processed and saved at a time to account for
its original position.
if len(self.datasets) == 0:
raise ValueError("Expect at least one dataset")
if not (hasattr(self.datasets[0], 'raw') or hasattr(
self.datasets[0], 'windows')):
raise ValueError("dataset should have either raw or windows "
path_contents = os.listdir(path)
n_sub_dirs = len([os.path.isdir(e) for e in path_contents])
for i_ds, ds in enumerate(self.datasets):
# remove subdirectory from list of untouched files / subdirectories
if str(i_ds + offset) in path_contents:
path_contents.remove(str(i_ds + offset))
# save_dir/i_ds/
sub_dir = os.path.join(path, str(i_ds + offset))
if os.path.exists(sub_dir):
if overwrite:
raise FileExistsError(
f'Subdirectory {sub_dir} already exists. Please select'
f' a different directory, set overwrite=True, or '
f'resolve manually.')
# save_dir/{i_ds+offset}/
# save_dir/{i_ds+offset}/{i_ds+offset}-{raw_or_epo}.fif
self._save_signals(sub_dir, ds, i_ds, offset)
# save_dir/{i_ds+offset}/description.json
self._save_description(sub_dir, ds.description)
# save_dir/{i_ds+offset}/raw_preproc_kwargs.json
# save_dir/{i_ds+offset}/window_kwargs.json
# save_dir/{i_ds+offset}/window_preproc_kwargs.json
self._save_kwargs(sub_dir, ds)
# save_dir/{i_ds+offset}/target_name.json
self._save_target_name(sub_dir, ds)
if overwrite:
# the following will be True for all datasets preprocessed and
# stored in parallel with braindecode.preprocessing.preprocess
if i_ds+1+offset < n_sub_dirs:
warnings.warn(f"The number of saved datasets ({i_ds+1+offset}) "
f"does not match the number of existing "
f"subdirectories ({n_sub_dirs}). You may now "
f"encounter a mix of differently preprocessed "
f"datasets!", UserWarning)
# if path contains files or directories that were not touched, raise
# warning
if path_contents:
warnings.warn(f'Chosen directory {path} contains other '
f'subdirectories or files {path_contents}.')
def _save_signals(sub_dir, ds, i_ds, offset):
raw_or_epo = 'raw' if hasattr(ds, 'raw') else 'epo'
fif_file_name = f'{i_ds + offset}-{raw_or_epo}.fif'
fif_file_path = os.path.join(sub_dir, fif_file_name)
raw_or_epo = 'raw' if raw_or_epo == 'raw' else 'windows'
# The following appears to be necessary to avoid a CI failure when
# preprocessing WindowsDatasets with serialization enabled. The failure
# comes from `mne.epochs._check_consistency` which ensures the Epochs's
# object `times` attribute is not writeable.
getattr(ds, raw_or_epo).times.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False
getattr(ds, raw_or_epo).save(fif_file_path)
def _save_description(sub_dir, description):
description_file_path = os.path.join(sub_dir, 'description.json')
def _save_kwargs(sub_dir, ds):
for kwargs_name in ['raw_preproc_kwargs', 'window_kwargs',
if hasattr(ds, kwargs_name):
kwargs_file_name = '.'.join([kwargs_name, 'json'])
kwargs_file_path = os.path.join(sub_dir, kwargs_file_name)
kwargs = getattr(ds, kwargs_name)
if kwargs is not None:
with open(kwargs_file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(kwargs, f)
def _save_target_name(sub_dir, ds):
if hasattr(ds, 'target_name'):
target_file_path = os.path.join(sub_dir, 'target_name.json')
with open(target_file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'target_name': ds.target_name}, f)