Source code for braindecode.augmentation.transforms

# Authors: Cédric Rommel <>
#          Alexandre Gramfort <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import warnings
from numbers import Real

import numpy as np
import torch
from mne.channels import make_standard_montage

from .base import Transform
from .functional import bandstop_filter
from .functional import channels_dropout
from .functional import channels_permute
from .functional import channels_shuffle
from .functional import frequency_shift
from .functional import ft_surrogate
from .functional import gaussian_noise
from .functional import mixup
from .functional import sensors_rotation
from .functional import sign_flip
from .functional import smooth_time_mask
from .functional import time_reverse

[docs]class TimeReverse(Transform): """Flip the time axis of each input with a given probability. Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Used to decide whether or not to transform given the probability argument. Defaults to None. """ operation = staticmethod(time_reverse) def __init__( self, probability, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state )
[docs]class SignFlip(Transform): """Flip the sign axis of each input with a given probability. Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Used to decide whether or not to transform given the probability argument. Defaults to None. """ operation = staticmethod(sign_flip) def __init__( self, probability, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state )
[docs]class FTSurrogate(Transform): """FT surrogate augmentation of a single EEG channel, as proposed in [1]_. Parameters ---------- probability: float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. phase_noise_magnitude : float | torch.Tensor, optional Float between 0 and 1 setting the range over which the phase pertubation is uniformly sampled: ``[0, phase_noise_magnitude * 2 * pi]``. Defaults to 1. channel_indep : bool, optional Whether to sample phase perturbations independently for each channel or not. It is advised to set it to False when spatial information is important for the task, like in BCI. Default False. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Used to decide whether or not to transform given the probability argument. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Schwabedal, J. T., Snyder, J. C., Cakmak, A., Nemati, S., & Clifford, G. D. (2018). Addressing Class Imbalance in Classification Problems of Noisy Signals by using Fourier Transform Surrogates. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.08675. """ operation = staticmethod(ft_surrogate) def __init__( self, probability, phase_noise_magnitude=1, channel_indep=False, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state ) assert isinstance(phase_noise_magnitude, (float, int, torch.Tensor)),\ "phase_noise_magnitude should be a float." assert 0 <= phase_noise_magnitude <= 1,\ "phase_noise_magnitude should be between 0 and 1." assert isinstance(channel_indep, bool), ( "channel_indep is expected to be a boolean") self.phase_noise_magnitude = phase_noise_magnitude self.channel_indep = channel_indep
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains: * phase_noise_magnitude : float The magnitude of the transformation. * random_state : numpy.random.Generator The generator to use. """ return { "phase_noise_magnitude": self.phase_noise_magnitude, "channel_indep": self.channel_indep, "random_state": self.rng, }
[docs]class ChannelsDropout(Transform): """Randomly set channels to flat signal. Part of the CMSAugment policy proposed in [1]_ Parameters ---------- probability: float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. proba_drop: float | None, optional Float between 0 and 1 setting the probability of dropping each channel. Defaults to 0.2. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Used to decide whether or not to transform given the probability argument and to sample channels to erase. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Saeed, A., Grangier, D., Pietquin, O., & Zeghidour, N. (2020). Learning from Heterogeneous EEG Signals with Differentiable Channel Reordering. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.13694. """ operation = staticmethod(channels_dropout) def __init__( self, probability, p_drop=0.2, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state ) self.p_drop = p_drop
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains * p_drop : float Float between 0 and 1 setting the probability of dropping each channel. * random_state : numpy.random.Generator The generator to use. """ return { "p_drop": self.p_drop, "random_state": self.rng, }
[docs]class ChannelsShuffle(Transform): """Randomly shuffle channels in EEG data matrix. Part of the CMSAugment policy proposed in [1]_ Parameters ---------- probability: float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. p_shuffle: float | None, optional Float between 0 and 1 setting the probability of including the channel in the set of permuted channels. Defaults to 0.2. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Used to decide whether or not to transform given the probability argument, to sample which channels to shuffle and to carry the shuffle. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Saeed, A., Grangier, D., Pietquin, O., & Zeghidour, N. (2020). Learning from Heterogeneous EEG Signals with Differentiable Channel Reordering. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.13694. """ operation = staticmethod(channels_shuffle) def __init__( self, probability, p_shuffle=0.2, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state ) self.p_shuffle = p_shuffle
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains * p_shuffle : float Float between 0 and 1 setting the probability of including the channel in the set of permuted channels. * random_state : numpy.random.Generator The generator to use. """ return { "p_shuffle": self.p_shuffle, "random_state": self.rng, }
[docs]class GaussianNoise(Transform): """Randomly add white noise to all channels. Suggested e.g. in [1]_, [2]_ and [3]_ Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. std : float, optional Standard deviation to use for the additive noise. Defaults to 0.1. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Wang, F., Zhong, S. H., Peng, J., Jiang, J., & Liu, Y. (2018). Data augmentation for eeg-based emotion recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. In International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (pp. 82-93). .. [2] Cheng, J. Y., Goh, H., Dogrusoz, K., Tuzel, O., & Azemi, E. (2020). Subject-aware contrastive learning for biosignals. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04871. .. [3] Mohsenvand, M. N., Izadi, M. R., & Maes, P. (2020). Contrastive Representation Learning for Electroencephalogram Classification. In Machine Learning for Health (pp. 238-253). PMLR. """ operation = staticmethod(gaussian_noise) def __init__( self, probability, std=0.1, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state, ) self.std = std
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains * std : float Standard deviation to use for the additive noise. * random_state : numpy.random.Generator The generator to use. """ return { "std": self.std, "random_state": self.rng, }
[docs]class ChannelsSymmetry(Transform): """Permute EEG channels inverting left and right-side sensors. Suggested e.g. in [1]_ Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. ordered_ch_names : list Ordered list of strings containing the names (in 10-20 nomenclature) of the EEG channels that will be transformed. The first name should correspond the data in the first row of X, the second name in the second row and so on. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Used to decide whether or not to transform given the probability argument. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Deiss, O., Biswal, S., Jin, J., Sun, H., Westover, M. B., & Sun, J. (2018). HAMLET: interpretable human and machine co-learning technique. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.09702. """ operation = staticmethod(channels_permute) def __init__( self, probability, ordered_ch_names, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state, ) assert ( isinstance(ordered_ch_names, list) and all(isinstance(ch, str) for ch in ordered_ch_names) ), "ordered_ch_names should be a list of str." permutation = list() for idx, ch_name in enumerate(ordered_ch_names): new_position = idx # Find digits in channel name (assuming 10-20 system) d = ''.join(list(filter(str.isdigit, ch_name))) if len(d) > 0: d = int(d) if d % 2 == 0: # pair/right electrodes sym = d - 1 else: # odd/left electrodes sym = d + 1 new_channel = ch_name.replace(str(d), str(sym)) if new_channel in ordered_ch_names: new_position = ordered_ch_names.index(new_channel) permutation.append(new_position) self.permutation = permutation
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains * permutation : float List of integers defining the new channels order. """ return {"permutation": self.permutation}
[docs]class SmoothTimeMask(Transform): """Smoothly replace a randomly chosen contiguous part of all channels by zeros. Suggested e.g. in [1]_ and [2]_ Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. mask_len_samples : int | torch.Tensor, optional Number of consecutive samples to zero out. Will be ignored if magnitude is not set to None. Defaults to 100. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Cheng, J. Y., Goh, H., Dogrusoz, K., Tuzel, O., & Azemi, E. (2020). Subject-aware contrastive learning for biosignals. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04871. .. [2] Mohsenvand, M. N., Izadi, M. R., & Maes, P. (2020). Contrastive Representation Learning for Electroencephalogram Classification. In Machine Learning for Health (pp. 238-253). PMLR. """ operation = staticmethod(smooth_time_mask) def __init__( self, probability, mask_len_samples=100, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state, ) assert ( isinstance(mask_len_samples, (int, torch.Tensor)) and mask_len_samples > 0 ), "mask_len_samples has to be a positive integer" self.mask_len_samples = mask_len_samples
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains two elements: * mask_start_per_sample : torch.tensor Tensor of integers containing the position (in last dimension) where to start masking the signal. Should have the same size as the first dimension of X (i.e. one start position per example in the batch). * mask_len_samples : int Number of consecutive samples to zero out. """ if len(batch) == 0: return super().get_augmentation_params(*batch) X = batch[0] seq_length = torch.as_tensor(X.shape[-1], device=X.device) mask_len_samples = self.mask_len_samples if isinstance(mask_len_samples, torch.Tensor): mask_len_samples = mask_start = torch.as_tensor(self.rng.uniform( low=0, high=1, size=X.shape[0], ), device=X.device) * (seq_length - mask_len_samples) return { "mask_start_per_sample": mask_start, "mask_len_samples": mask_len_samples, }
[docs]class BandstopFilter(Transform): """Apply a band-stop filter with desired bandwidth at a randomly selected frequency position between 0 and ``max_freq``. Suggested e.g. in [1]_ and [2]_ Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. bandwidth : float Bandwidth of the filter, i.e. distance between the low and high cut frequencies. sfreq : float, optional Sampling frequency of the signals to be filtered. Defaults to 100 Hz. max_freq : float | None, optional Maximal admissible frequency. The low cut frequency will be sampled so that the corresponding high cut frequency + transition (=1Hz) are below ``max_freq``. If omitted or `None`, will default to the Nyquist frequency (``sfreq / 2``). random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Cheng, J. Y., Goh, H., Dogrusoz, K., Tuzel, O., & Azemi, E. (2020). Subject-aware contrastive learning for biosignals. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04871. .. [2] Mohsenvand, M. N., Izadi, M. R., & Maes, P. (2020). Contrastive Representation Learning for Electroencephalogram Classification. In Machine Learning for Health (pp. 238-253). PMLR. """ operation = staticmethod(bandstop_filter) def __init__( self, probability, sfreq, bandwidth=1, max_freq=None, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state, ) assert isinstance(bandwidth, Real) and bandwidth >= 0,\ "bandwidth should be a non-negative float." assert isinstance(sfreq, Real) and sfreq > 0,\ "sfreq should be a positive float." if max_freq is not None: assert isinstance(max_freq, Real) and max_freq > 0,\ "max_freq should be a positive float." nyq = sfreq / 2 if max_freq is None or max_freq > nyq: max_freq = nyq warnings.warn( "You either passed None or a frequency greater than the" f" Nyquist frequency ({nyq} Hz)." f" Falling back to max_freq = {nyq}." ) assert bandwidth < max_freq,\ f"`bandwidth` needs to be smaller than max_freq={max_freq}" # override bandwidth value when a magnitude is passed self.sfreq = sfreq self.max_freq = max_freq self.bandwidth = bandwidth
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains * sfreq : float Sampling frequency of the signals to be filtered. * bandwidth : float Bandwidth of the filter, i.e. distance between the low and high cut frequencies. * freqs_to_notch : array-like | None Array of floats of size ``(batch_size,)`` containing the center of the frequency band to filter out for each sample in the batch. Frequencies should be greater than ``bandwidth/2 + transition`` and lower than ``sfreq/2 - bandwidth/2 - transition`` (where ``transition = 1 Hz``). """ if len(batch) == 0: return super().get_augmentation_params(*batch) X = batch[0] # Prevents transitions from going below 0 and above max_freq notched_freqs = self.rng.uniform( low=1 + 2 * self.bandwidth, high=self.max_freq - 1 - 2 * self.bandwidth, size=X.shape[0] ) return { "sfreq": self.sfreq, "bandwidth": self.bandwidth, "freqs_to_notch": notched_freqs, }
[docs]class FrequencyShift(Transform): """Add a random shift in the frequency domain to all channels. Note that here, the shift is the same for all channels of a single example. Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. sfreq : float Sampling frequency of the signals to be transformed. max_delta_freq : float | torch.Tensor, optional Maximum shift in Hz that can be sampled (in absolute value). Defaults to 2 (shift sampled between -2 and 2 Hz). random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. """ operation = staticmethod(frequency_shift) def __init__( self, probability, sfreq, max_delta_freq=2, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state, ) assert isinstance(sfreq, Real) and sfreq > 0,\ "sfreq should be a positive float." self.sfreq = sfreq self.max_delta_freq = max_delta_freq
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains * delta_freq : float The amplitude of the frequency shift (in Hz). * sfreq : float Sampling frequency of the signals to be transformed. """ if len(batch) == 0: return super().get_augmentation_params(*batch) X = batch[0] u = torch.as_tensor( self.rng.uniform(size=X.shape[0]), device=X.device ) max_delta_freq = self.max_delta_freq if isinstance(max_delta_freq, torch.Tensor): max_delta_freq = delta_freq = u * 2 * max_delta_freq - max_delta_freq return { "delta_freq": delta_freq, "sfreq": self.sfreq, }
def _get_standard_10_20_positions(raw_or_epoch=None, ordered_ch_names=None): """Returns standard 10-20 sensors position matrix (for instantiating SensorsRotation for example). Parameters ---------- raw_or_epoch : | mne.Epoch, optional Example of raw or epoch to retrive ordered channels list from. Need to be named as in 10-20. By default None. ordered_ch_names : list, optional List of strings representing the channels of the montage considered. The order has to be consistent with the order of channels in the input matrices that will be fed to `SensorsRotation` transform. By default None. """ assert raw_or_epoch is not None or ordered_ch_names is not None,\ "At least one of raw_or_epoch and ordered_ch_names is needed." if ordered_ch_names is None: ordered_ch_names =['ch_names'] ten_twenty_montage = make_standard_montage('standard_1020') positions_dict = ten_twenty_montage.get_positions()['ch_pos'] positions_subdict = { k: positions_dict[k] for k in ordered_ch_names if k in positions_dict } return np.stack(list(positions_subdict.values())).T
[docs]class SensorsRotation(Transform): """Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the desired axis with an angle sampled uniformly between ``-max_degree`` and ``max_degree``. Suggested in [1]_ Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. sensors_positions_matrix : numpy.ndarray Matrix giving the positions of each sensor in a 3D cartesian coordinate system. Should have shape (3, n_channels), where n_channels is the number of channels. Standard 10-20 positions can be obtained from `mne` through:: >>> ten_twenty_montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage( ... 'standard_1020' ... ).get_positions()['ch_pos'] axis : 'x' | 'y' | 'z', optional Axis around which to rotate. Defaults to 'z'. max_degree : float, optional Maximum rotation. Rotation angles will be sampled between ``-max_degree`` and ``max_degree``. Defaults to 15 degrees. spherical_splines : bool, optional Whether to use spherical splines for the interpolation or not. When ``False``, standard scipy.interpolate.Rbf (with quadratic kernel) will be used (as in the original paper). Defaults to True. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Krell, M. M., & Kim, S. K. (2017). Rotational data augmentation for electroencephalographic data. In 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 471-474). """ operation = staticmethod(sensors_rotation) def __init__( self, probability, sensors_positions_matrix, axis='z', max_degrees=15, spherical_splines=True, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=probability, random_state=random_state ) if isinstance(sensors_positions_matrix, (np.ndarray, list)): sensors_positions_matrix = torch.as_tensor( sensors_positions_matrix ) assert isinstance(sensors_positions_matrix, torch.Tensor),\ "sensors_positions should be an Tensor" assert ( isinstance(max_degrees, (Real, torch.Tensor)) and max_degrees >= 0 ), "max_degrees should be non-negative float." assert isinstance(axis, str) and axis in ['x', 'y', 'z'],\ "axis can be either x, y or z." assert sensors_positions_matrix.shape[0] == 3,\ "sensors_positions_matrix shape should be 3 x n_channels." assert isinstance(spherical_splines, bool),\ "spherical_splines should be a boolean" self.sensors_positions_matrix = sensors_positions_matrix self.axis = axis self.spherical_splines = spherical_splines self.max_degrees = max_degrees
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params : dict Contains four elements: * sensors_positions_matrix : numpy.ndarray Matrix giving the positions of each sensor in a 3D cartesian coordinate system. Should have shape (3, n_channels), where n_channels is the number of channels. * axis : 'x' | 'y' | 'z' Axis around which to rotate. * angles : array-like Array of float of shape ``(batch_size,)`` containing the rotation angles (in degrees) for each element of the input batch, sampled uniformly between ``-max_degrees``and ``max_degrees``. * spherical_splines : bool Whether to use spherical splines for the interpolation or not. When ``False``, standard scipy.interpolate.Rbf (with quadratic kernel) will be used (as in the original paper). """ if len(batch) == 0: return super().get_augmentation_params(*batch) X = batch[0] u = self.rng.uniform( low=0, high=1, size=X.shape[0] ) max_degrees = self.max_degrees if isinstance(max_degrees, torch.Tensor): max_degrees = random_angles = torch.as_tensor( u, device=X.device) * 2 * max_degrees - max_degrees return { "sensors_positions_matrix": self.sensors_positions_matrix, "axis": self.axis, "angles": random_angles, "spherical_splines": self.spherical_splines }
[docs]class SensorsZRotation(SensorsRotation): """Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the Z axis with an angle sampled uniformly between ``-max_degree`` and ``max_degree``. Suggested in [1]_ Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. ordered_ch_names : list List of strings representing the channels of the montage considered. Has to be in standard 10-20 style. The order has to be consistent with the order of channels in the input matrices that will be fed to the transform. This channel will be used to compute approximate sensors positions from a standard 10-20 montage. max_degree : float, optional Maximum rotation. Rotation angles will be sampled between ``-max_degree`` and ``max_degree``. Defaults to 15 degrees. spherical_splines : bool, optional Whether to use spherical splines for the interpolation or not. When ``False``, standard scipy.interpolate.Rbf (with quadratic kernel) will be used (as in the original paper). Defaults to True. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Krell, M. M., & Kim, S. K. (2017). Rotational data augmentation for electroencephalographic data. In 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 471-474). """ def __init__( self, probability, ordered_ch_names, max_degrees=15, spherical_splines=True, random_state=None ): sensors_positions_matrix = torch.as_tensor( _get_standard_10_20_positions(ordered_ch_names=ordered_ch_names) ) super().__init__( probability=probability, sensors_positions_matrix=sensors_positions_matrix, axis='z', max_degrees=max_degrees, spherical_splines=spherical_splines, random_state=random_state )
[docs]class SensorsYRotation(SensorsRotation): """Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the Y axis with an angle sampled uniformly between ``-max_degree`` and ``max_degree``. Suggested in [1]_ Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. ordered_ch_names : list List of strings representing the channels of the montage considered. Has to be in standard 10-20 style. The order has to be consistent with the order of channels in the input matrices that will be fed to the transform. This channel will be used to compute approximate sensors positions from a standard 10-20 montage. max_degree : float, optional Maximum rotation. Rotation angles will be sampled between ``-max_degree`` and ``max_degree``. Defaults to 15 degrees. spherical_splines : bool, optional Whether to use spherical splines for the interpolation or not. When ``False``, standard scipy.interpolate.Rbf (with quadratic kernel) will be used (as in the original paper). Defaults to True. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Krell, M. M., & Kim, S. K. (2017). Rotational data augmentation for electroencephalographic data. In 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 471-474). """ def __init__( self, probability, ordered_ch_names, max_degrees=15, spherical_splines=True, random_state=None ): sensors_positions_matrix = torch.as_tensor( _get_standard_10_20_positions(ordered_ch_names=ordered_ch_names) ) super().__init__( probability=probability, sensors_positions_matrix=sensors_positions_matrix, axis='y', max_degrees=max_degrees, spherical_splines=spherical_splines, random_state=random_state )
[docs]class SensorsXRotation(SensorsRotation): """Interpolates EEG signals over sensors rotated around the X axis with an angle sampled uniformly between ``-max_degree`` and ``max_degree``. Suggested in [1]_ Parameters ---------- probability : float Float setting the probability of applying the operation. ordered_ch_names : list List of strings representing the channels of the montage considered. Has to be in standard 10-20 style. The order has to be consistent with the order of channels in the input matrices that will be fed to the transform. This channel will be used to compute approximate sensors positions from a standard 10-20 montage. max_degree : float, optional Maximum rotation. Rotation angles will be sampled between ``-max_degree`` and ``max_degree``. Defaults to 15 degrees. spherical_splines : bool, optional Whether to use spherical splines for the interpolation or not. When ``False``, standard scipy.interpolate.Rbf (with quadratic kernel) will be used (as in the original paper). Defaults to True. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Krell, M. M., & Kim, S. K. (2017). Rotational data augmentation for electroencephalographic data. In 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 471-474). """ def __init__( self, probability, ordered_ch_names, max_degrees=15, spherical_splines=True, random_state=None ): sensors_positions_matrix = torch.as_tensor( _get_standard_10_20_positions(ordered_ch_names=ordered_ch_names) ) super().__init__( probability=probability, sensors_positions_matrix=sensors_positions_matrix, axis='x', max_degrees=max_degrees, spherical_splines=spherical_splines, random_state=random_state )
[docs]class Mixup(Transform): """Implements Iterator for Mixup for EEG data. See [1]_. Implementation based on [2]_. Parameters ---------- alpha: float Mixup hyperparameter. beta_per_sample: bool (default=False) By default, one mixing coefficient per batch is drawn from a beta distribution. If True, one mixing coefficient per sample is drawn. random_state: int | numpy.random.Generator, optional Seed to be used to instantiate numpy random number generator instance. Defaults to None. References ---------- .. [1] Hongyi Zhang, Moustapha Cisse, Yann N. Dauphin, David Lopez-Paz (2018). mixup: Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization. In 2018 International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Online: .. [2] """ operation = staticmethod(mixup) def __init__( self, alpha, beta_per_sample=False, random_state=None ): super().__init__( probability=1.0, # Mixup has to be applied to whole batches random_state=random_state ) self.alpha = alpha self.beta_per_sample = beta_per_sample
[docs] def get_augmentation_params(self, *batch): """Return transform parameters. Parameters ---------- X : tensor.Tensor The data. y : tensor.Tensor The labels. Returns ------- params: dict Contains the values sampled uniformly between 0 and 1 setting the linear interpolation between examples (lam) and the shuffled indices of examples that are mixed into original examples (idx_perm). """ X = batch[0] device = X.device batch_size, _, _ = X.shape if self.alpha > 0: if self.beta_per_sample: lam = torch.as_tensor( self.rng.beta(self.alpha, self.alpha, batch_size) ).to(device) else: lam = torch.ones(batch_size).to(device) lam *= self.rng.beta(self.alpha, self.alpha) else: lam = torch.ones(batch_size).to(device) idx_perm = torch.as_tensor(self.rng.permutation(batch_size,)) return { "lam": lam, "idx_perm": idx_perm, }