Braindecode Code Sprint 2023

Starting August 18th, EuroScipy, Basel, Switzerland

Ending September 6th-8th with core meeting 4th-5th, Université Paris-Saclay, France

Learn more

Why a code sprint?

Alone you go fast and together we go far!

Braindecode is an open-source Python toolbox for decoding raw electrophysiological brain data with deep learning models. It includes dataset fetchers, data preprocessing and visualization tools, as well as implementations of several deep learning architectures and data augmentations for analysis of EEG, ECoG and MEG.

The primary workhorse of this success has been free open source software (FOSS). With its strong emphasis on API design, the FOSS culture has made it less effortful to plan, develop in teams, re-use, distribute, teach, optimize & scale data analysis efforts. Coding sprints are a way to focus development efforts and share best practices that generalize across a range of application domains.


The aims of the event are:

  • Restructuring the documentation to make it more accessible for new users.
  • Re-implement and optimization the DataLoaders.
  • Re-implement the cropped training.

Get Ready!

The detailed Pull Requests / Issues tackled during the sprint are described on the Braindecode github project page. During the sprint, we'll chat on MNE discord.


  • Research scientist at Meta, MNE-Python core developer, Scikit-Learn core developer and working on statistical machine learning and neuroscience data processing.
  • I am a PhD candidate in the MIND team at Inria Saclay under the supervision of Alexandre Gramfort, Sylvain Chevallier and Denis Engemann. The subject of the PhD thesis I am preparing is to leverage machine learning and domain adaptation for enhancing the measure of brain health with magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) signals.
  • PhD Student skilled in machine learning, deep learning and electrophysiological signal processing at the Federal University of ABC (Brazil) and Université Paris-Saclay.
  • I study the human brain using electrophysiology, imaging and machine learning to develop biomarker in next generation therapeutics and diagnostics.
  • I am a master student at MVA Paris-Saclay, currently interning at Roche Basel with Denis Engemann. We work on machine learning methods for EEG data in the context of biomarker development.
  • PhD Student at the University of Freiburg. Interested in the application of machine learning to healthcare data. Currently investigating brain aging based on electroencephalograic data.
  • MSc in Computational Science and Engineering (ETH Zürich) with focus on AI & Neuroscience. Now part of the Machine Learning team in the EEG biomarker group at Roche.
  • PhD on deep learning and electrophysiological signal processing at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour (Netherlands).
  • Final-year PhD student at University of Freiburg, Germany working on deep learning for brain-signal decoding from EEG. Interested in applying deep learning to medicine and researching new deep learning methods, especially interpretability and automatic machine learning methods.
  • Postdoctoral Researcher at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (LISN). Interested in geometric machine and deep learning approaches for medical data analysis.
  • I am full professor at LISN-CNRS, in INRIA team A&O/TAU that focuses on machine learning and stochastic optimization. I work mostly on timeseries analysis and manifold optimization. I teach at the Computer Science departement of IUT d’Orsay.
  • I am a researcher in the MIND team @ INRIA Saclay, since autumn 2019, working on unsupervised learning for time series, bilevel optimization and on deep learning methods applied to solving inverse problems.


EuroScipy, Basel, Switzerland

Paris-Saclay, France


The sprint will start in August 18th, 2023 and will have an end moment in 6-8th with core meeting 4th-5th. You can contribute both virtually and in person.


b.aristimunha [at]

robintibor [at]