# Authors: Robin Schirrmeister <robintibor@gmail.com>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import glob
import os
import random
from warnings import warn
import h5py
import mne
import numpy as np
import torch
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
[docs]def set_random_seeds(seed, cuda, cudnn_benchmark=None):
"""Set seeds for python random module numpy.random and torch.
For more details about reproducibility in pytorch see
seed: int
Random seed.
cuda: bool
Whether to set cuda seed with torch.
cudnn_benchmark: bool (default=None)
Whether pytorch will use cudnn benchmark. When set to `None` it will not modify
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark (displays warning in the case of possible lack of
reproducibility). When set to True, results may not be reproducible (no warning displayed).
When set to False it may slow down computations.
In some cases setting environment variable `PYTHONHASHSEED` may be needed before running a
script to ensure full reproducibility. See
Using this function may not ensure full reproducibility of the results as we do not set
if cuda:
if isinstance(cudnn_benchmark, bool):
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = cudnn_benchmark
elif cudnn_benchmark is None:
if torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark:
"torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark was set to True which may results in lack of "
"reproducibility. In some cases to ensure reproducibility you may need to "
"set torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark to False.", UserWarning)
raise ValueError(
f"cudnn_benchmark expected to be bool or None, got '{cudnn_benchmark}'"
def np_to_var(
X, requires_grad=False, dtype=None, pin_memory=False, **tensor_kwargs
warn("np_to_var has been renamed np_to_th, please use np_to_th instead")
return np_to_th(
X, requires_grad=requires_grad, dtype=dtype, pin_memory=pin_memory,
def np_to_th(
X, requires_grad=False, dtype=None, pin_memory=False, **tensor_kwargs
Convenience function to transform numpy array to `torch.Tensor`.
Converts `X` to ndarray using asarray if necessary.
X: ndarray or list or number
Input arrays
requires_grad: bool
passed on to Variable constructor
dtype: numpy dtype, optional
passed on to Variable constructor
var: `torch.Tensor`
if not hasattr(X, "__len__"):
X = [X]
X = np.asarray(X)
if dtype is not None:
X = X.astype(dtype)
X_tensor = torch.tensor(X, requires_grad=requires_grad, **tensor_kwargs)
if pin_memory:
X_tensor = X_tensor.pin_memory()
return X_tensor
def var_to_np(var):
warn("var_to_np has been renamed th_to_np, please use th_to_np instead")
return th_to_np(var)
def th_to_np(var):
"""Convenience function to transform `torch.Tensor` to numpy
Should work both for CPU and GPU."""
return var.cpu().data.numpy()
def corr(a, b):
Computes correlation only between terms of a and terms of b, not within
a and b.
a, b: 2darray, features x samples
Correlation between features in x and features in y
# Difference to numpy:
# Correlation only between terms of x and y
# not between x and x or y and y
this_cov = cov(a, b)
return _cov_to_corr(this_cov, a, b)
def cov(a, b):
Computes covariance only between terms of a and terms of b, not within
a and b.
a, b: 2darray, features x samples
Covariance between features in x and features in y
demeaned_a = a - np.mean(a, axis=1, keepdims=True)
demeaned_b = b - np.mean(b, axis=1, keepdims=True)
this_cov = np.dot(demeaned_a, demeaned_b.T) / (b.shape[1] - 1)
return this_cov
def _cov_to_corr(this_cov, a, b):
# computing "unbiased" corr
# ddof=1 for unbiased..
var_a = np.var(a, axis=1, ddof=1)
var_b = np.var(b, axis=1, ddof=1)
return _cov_and_var_to_corr(this_cov, var_a, var_b)
def _cov_and_var_to_corr(this_cov, var_a, var_b):
divisor = np.outer(np.sqrt(var_a), np.sqrt(var_b))
return this_cov / divisor
def wrap_reshape_apply_fn(stat_fn, a, b, axis_a, axis_b):
Reshape two nd-arrays into 2d-arrays, apply function and reshape
result back.
stat_fn: function
Function to apply to 2d-arrays
a: nd-array: nd-array
b: nd-array
axis_a: int or list of int
sample axis
axis_b: int or list of int
sample axis
result: nd-array
The result reshaped to remaining_dims_a + remaining_dims_b
if not hasattr(axis_a, "__len__"):
axis_a = [axis_a]
if not hasattr(axis_b, "__len__"):
axis_b = [axis_b]
other_axis_a = [i for i in range(a.ndim) if i not in axis_a]
other_axis_b = [i for i in range(b.ndim) if i not in axis_b]
transposed_topo_a = a.transpose(tuple(other_axis_a) + tuple(axis_a))
n_stat_axis_a = [a.shape[i] for i in axis_a]
n_other_axis_a = [a.shape[i] for i in other_axis_a]
flat_topo_a = transposed_topo_a.reshape(
np.prod(n_other_axis_a), np.prod(n_stat_axis_a)
transposed_topo_b = b.transpose(tuple(other_axis_b) + tuple(axis_b))
n_stat_axis_b = [b.shape[i] for i in axis_b]
n_other_axis_b = [b.shape[i] for i in other_axis_b]
flat_topo_b = transposed_topo_b.reshape(
np.prod(n_other_axis_b), np.prod(n_stat_axis_b)
assert np.array_equal(n_stat_axis_a, n_stat_axis_b)
stat_result = stat_fn(flat_topo_a, flat_topo_b)
topo_result = stat_result.reshape(
tuple(n_other_axis_a) + tuple(n_other_axis_b)
return topo_result
def get_balanced_batches(
n_trials, rng, shuffle, n_batches=None, batch_size=None
"""Create indices for batches balanced in size
(batches will have maximum size difference of 1).
Supply either batch size or number of batches. Resulting batches
will not have the given batch size but rather the next largest batch size
that allows to split the set into balanced batches (maximum size difference 1).
n_trials : int
Size of set.
rng : RandomState
shuffle : bool
Whether to shuffle indices before splitting set.
n_batches : int, optional
batch_size : int, optional
batches: list of list of int
Indices for each batch.
assert batch_size is not None or n_batches is not None
if n_batches is None:
n_batches = int(np.round(n_trials / float(batch_size)))
if n_batches > 0:
min_batch_size = n_trials // n_batches
n_batches_with_extra_trial = n_trials % n_batches
n_batches = 1
min_batch_size = n_trials
n_batches_with_extra_trial = 0
assert n_batches_with_extra_trial < n_batches
all_inds = np.array(range(n_trials))
if shuffle:
i_start_trial = 0
i_stop_trial = 0
batches = []
for i_batch in range(n_batches):
i_stop_trial += min_batch_size
if i_batch < n_batches_with_extra_trial:
i_stop_trial += 1
batch_inds = all_inds[range(i_start_trial, i_stop_trial)]
i_start_trial = i_stop_trial
assert i_start_trial == n_trials
return batches
def create_mne_dummy_raw(n_channels, n_times, sfreq, include_anns=True,
description=None, savedir=None, save_format='fif',
overwrite=True, random_state=None):
"""Create an mne.io.RawArray with fake data, and optionally save it.
This will overwrite already existing files.
n_channels : int
Number of channels.
n_times : int
Number of samples.
sfreq : float
Sampling frequency.
include_anns : bool
If True, also create annotations.
description : list | None
List of descriptions used for creating annotations. It should contain
10 elements.
savedir : str | None
If provided as a string, the file will be saved under that directory.
save_format : str | list
If `savedir` is provided, this specifies the file format the data should
be saved to. Can be 'raw' or 'hdf5', or a list containing both.
random_state : int | RandomState
Random state for the generation of random data.
raw : mne.io.Raw
The created Raw object.
save_fname : dict | None
Dictionary containing the name the raw data was saved to.
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
data = random_state.rand(n_channels, n_times)
ch_names = [f'ch{i}' for i in range(n_channels)]
ch_types = ['eeg'] * n_channels
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=sfreq, ch_types=ch_types)
raw = mne.io.RawArray(data, info)
if include_anns:
n_anns = 10
inds = np.linspace(
int(sfreq * 2), int(n_times - sfreq * 2), num=n_anns).astype(int)
onset = raw.times[inds]
duration = [1] * n_anns
if description is None:
description = ['test'] * n_anns
anns = mne.Annotations(onset, duration, description)
raw = raw.set_annotations(anns)
save_fname = dict()
if savedir is not None:
if not isinstance(save_format, list):
save_format = [save_format]
fname = os.path.join(savedir, 'fake_eeg_raw')
if 'fif' in save_format:
fif_fname = fname + '.fif'
raw.save(fif_fname, overwrite=overwrite)
save_fname['fif'] = fif_fname
if 'hdf5' in save_format:
h5_fname = fname + '.h5'
with h5py.File(h5_fname, 'w') as f:
'fake_raw', dtype='f8', data=raw.get_data())
save_fname['hdf5'] = h5_fname
return raw, save_fname
class ThrowAwayIndexLoader(object):
def __init__(self, net, loader, is_regression):
self.net = net
self.loader = loader
self.last_i = None
self.is_regression = is_regression
def __iter__(self, ):
normal_iter = self.loader.__iter__()
for batch in normal_iter:
if len(batch) == 3:
x, y, i = batch
# Store for scoring callbacks
self.net._last_window_inds_ = i
x, y = batch
# TODO: should be on dataset side
if hasattr(x, 'type'):
x = x.type(torch.float32)
if self.is_regression:
y = y.type(torch.float32)
y = y.type(torch.int64)
yield x, y
def update_estimator_docstring(base_class, docstring):
base_doc = base_class.__doc__.replace(' : ', ': ')
idx = base_doc.find('callbacks:')
idx_end = idx + base_doc[idx:].find('\n\n')
# remove callback descripiton already included in braindecode docstring
filtered_doc = base_doc[:idx] + base_doc[idx_end + 6:]
splitted = docstring.split('Parameters\n ----------\n ')
out_docstring = (
splitted[0] +
filtered_doc[filtered_doc.find('Parameters'):filtered_doc.find('Attributes')] +
splitted[1] +
return out_docstring
def _update_moabb_docstring(base_class, docstring):
base_doc = base_class.__doc__
out_docstring = base_doc + f'\n\n{docstring}'
return out_docstring
def read_all_file_names(directory, extension):
"""Read all files with specified extension from given path and sorts them
based on a given sorting key.
directory: str
Parent directory to be searched for files of the specified type.
extension: str
File extension, i.e. ".edf" or ".txt".
file_paths: list(str)
List of all files found in (sub)directories of path.
assert extension.startswith('.')
file_paths = glob.glob(directory + '**/*' + extension, recursive=True)
assert len(file_paths) > 0, (
f'something went wrong. Found no {extension} files in {directory}')
return file_paths