Source code for braindecode.models.usleep

# Authors: Theo Gnassounou <>
#          Omar Chehab <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

def _crop_tensors_to_match(x1, x2, axis=-1):
    """Crops two tensors to their lowest-common-dimension along an axis."""
    dim_cropped = min(x1.shape[axis], x2.shape[axis])

    x1_cropped = torch.index_select(
        x1, dim=axis,
    x2_cropped = torch.index_select(
        x2, dim=axis,
    return x1_cropped, x2_cropped

class _EncoderBlock(nn.Module):
    """Encoding block for a timeseries x of shape (B, C, T)."""
    def __init__(self,
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        self.downsample = downsample

        self.block_prepool = nn.Sequential(

        self.pad = nn.ConstantPad1d(padding=1, value=0)
        self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool1d(
            kernel_size=self.downsample, stride=self.downsample)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.block_prepool(x)
        residual = x
        if x.shape[-1] % 2:
            x = self.pad(x)
        x = self.maxpool(x)
        return x, residual

class _DecoderBlock(nn.Module):
    """Decoding block for a timeseries x of shape (B, C, T)."""
    def __init__(self,
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        self.upsample = upsample
        self.with_skip_connection = with_skip_connection

        self.block_preskip = nn.Sequential(
        self.block_postskip = nn.Sequential(
                    2 * out_channels if with_skip_connection else out_channels),

    def forward(self, x, residual):
        x = self.block_preskip(x)
        if self.with_skip_connection:
            x, residual = _crop_tensors_to_match(x, residual, axis=-1)  # in case of mismatch
            x =[x, residual], axis=1)  # (B, 2 * C, T)
        x = self.block_postskip(x)
        return x

[docs]class USleep(nn.Module): """Sleep staging architecture from Perslev et al 2021. U-Net (autoencoder with skip connections) feature-extractor for sleep staging described in [1]_. For the encoder ('down'): -- the temporal dimension shrinks (via maxpooling in the time-domain) -- the spatial dimension expands (via more conv1d filters in the time-domain) For the decoder ('up'): -- the temporal dimension expands (via upsampling in the time-domain) -- the spatial dimension shrinks (via fewer conv1d filters in the time-domain) Both do so at exponential rates. Parameters ---------- in_chans : int Number of EEG or EOG channels. Set to 2 in [1]_ (1 EEG, 1 EOG). sfreq : float EEG sampling frequency. Set to 128 in [1]_. depth : int Number of conv blocks in encoding layer (number of 2x2 max pools) Note: each block halve the spatial dimensions of the features. n_time_filters : int Initial number of convolutional filters. Set to 5 in [1]_. complexity_factor : float Multiplicative factor for number of channels at each layer of the U-Net. Set to 2 in [1]_. with_skip_connection : bool If True, use skip connections in decoder blocks. n_classes : int Number of classes. Set to 5. input_size_s : float Size of the input, in seconds. Set to 30 in [1]_. time_conv_size_s : float Size of the temporal convolution kernel, in seconds. Set to 9 / 128 in [1]_. ensure_odd_conv_size : bool If True and the size of the convolutional kernel is an even number, one will be added to it to ensure it is odd, so that the decoder blocks can work. This can ne useful when using different sampling rates from 128 or 100 Hz. apply_softmax : bool If True, apply softmax on output (e.g. when using nn.NLLLoss). Use False if using nn.CrossEntropyLoss. References ---------- .. [1] Perslev M, Darkner S, Kempfner L, Nikolic M, Jennum PJ, Igel C. U-Sleep: resilient high-frequency sleep staging. npj Digit. Med. 4, 72 (2021). """ def __init__(self, in_chans=2, sfreq=128, depth=12, n_time_filters=5, complexity_factor=1.67, with_skip_connection=True, n_classes=5, input_size_s=30, time_conv_size_s=9 / 128, ensure_odd_conv_size=False, apply_softmax=False ): super().__init__() self.in_chans = in_chans max_pool_size = 2 # Hardcoded to avoid dimensional errors time_conv_size = np.round(time_conv_size_s * sfreq).astype(int) if time_conv_size % 2 == 0: if ensure_odd_conv_size: time_conv_size += 1 else: raise ValueError( 'time_conv_size must be an odd number to accomodate the ' 'upsampling step in the decoder blocks.') # Convert between units: seconds to time-points (at sfreq) input_size = np.ceil(input_size_s * sfreq).astype(int) channels = [in_chans] n_filters = n_time_filters for _ in range(depth + 1): channels.append(int(n_filters * np.sqrt(complexity_factor))) n_filters = int(n_filters * np.sqrt(2)) self.channels = channels # Instantiate encoder encoder = list() for idx in range(depth): encoder += [ _EncoderBlock(in_channels=channels[idx], out_channels=channels[idx + 1], kernel_size=time_conv_size, downsample=max_pool_size) ] self.encoder = nn.Sequential(*encoder) # Instantiate bottom (channels increase, temporal dim stays the same) self.bottom = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(in_channels=channels[-2], out_channels=channels[-1], kernel_size=time_conv_size, padding=(time_conv_size - 1) // 2), # preserves dimension nn.ELU(), nn.BatchNorm1d(num_features=channels[-1]), ) # Instantiate decoder decoder = list() channels_reverse = channels[::-1] for idx in range(depth): decoder += [ _DecoderBlock(in_channels=channels_reverse[idx], out_channels=channels_reverse[idx + 1], kernel_size=time_conv_size, upsample=max_pool_size, with_skip_connection=with_skip_connection) ] self.decoder = nn.Sequential(*decoder) # The temporal dimension remains unchanged # (except through the AvgPooling which collapses it to 1) # The spatial dimension is preserved from the end of the UNet, and is mapped to n_classes self.clf = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d( in_channels=channels[1], out_channels=channels[1], kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, ), # output is (B, C, 1, S * T) nn.Tanh(), nn.AvgPool1d(input_size), # output is (B, C, S) nn.Conv1d( in_channels=channels[1], out_channels=n_classes, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, ), # output is (B, n_classes, S) nn.ELU(), nn.Conv1d( in_channels=n_classes, out_channels=n_classes, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, ), nn.Softmax(dim=1) if apply_softmax else nn.Identity(), # output is (B, n_classes, S) )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """If input x has shape (B, S, C, T), return y_pred of shape (B, n_classes, S). If input x has shape (B, C, T), return y_pred of shape (B, n_classes). """ # reshape input if x.ndim == 4: # input x has shape (B, S, C, T) x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) # (B, C, S, T) x = x.flatten(start_dim=2) # (B, C, S * T) # encoder residuals = [] for down in self.encoder: x, res = down(x) residuals.append(res) # bottom x = self.bottom(x) # decoder residuals = residuals[::-1] # flip order for up, res in zip(self.decoder, residuals): x = up(x, res) # classifier y_pred = self.clf(x) # (B, n_classes, seq_length) if y_pred.shape[-1] == 1: # seq_length of 1 y_pred = y_pred[:, :, 0] return y_pred